The O'Quinn Brothers, both very cute. Look out girls!!
Jordan Alan O'Quinn was born on July 13, 2007 via planned c-section. so, we thought it would be a quick and easy delivery and things would be perfect. Well, that is the best laid plans, but Jordy had another idea. He was born with respiratory problems that could not be fixed at Lake Ozarks Hospital so he was taken to Columbia Children's. He spent his first week of life there and we got to know him with feeding tubes, picc lines in his tiny head and other cords and lines. We were very grateful out time was short, other parents endure months of this. All of us including, Laura and Jared, Jayce, me and Danny and Grandma Barb helped out how ever we could. Pa Q'Quinn and Dori and also Scott added their support along with prayers and well wishes from the rest of the extended family including uncles and aunts. Jordan has always been a familiar face to me, I don't know why. I think it was because he always looked and still looks so much like Krysta and the Hillhouse side. The shape of his little mouth, teeth, his head, so much like them. I remember looking in his little eyes when he was a baby and he also reminded me of my mom, who had died just a couple of months earlier. I guess the hardest thing for me was wanting to tell her about Jordan and having her hold him and having her agree with me how much he looked like one of my own. No one else could give me this reassurance, except her. He is a stubborn and hardheaded little guy, a dare devil and a little copycat. He has to do whatever big brother does, always and sometimes it leads to him getting a scrapped knee or a knot on the head. He is so quick, you have to watch him closely, he is a lover and a snuggler. I can't wait to see how he turn out, he is talking more and more and that is so much fun, when he will repeat anything you tell him too. I hope I will get more grandchildren has time goes by, but each one has a special place in my heart. Happy Late Birthday our Jordy. With much love, Memaw and Papaw.
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