Danny and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary yesterday. while I am still recovering from surgery, it was not the most exciting and romantic day we have had. I am not going to write a huge blog about us, I think, but just say that I hope we have 29 more years together. Like all couples we have good days and bad days, but as we get older, I think we have lots more good than bad. We respect each other and love it when the other excels in whatever they do. We don't count dollars and hold grudges if the other "makes more", we are just excited that we can do a few things we want to do with the money. We have never cursed or swore at each other, maybe we thought it, but we have never tore each other down just for the satisfaction of having them feel as badly as we do. We have both worked hard all our lives and will continue to do so, next year on our 30th, we hope to be ocean side with our toes in the sand. We celebrated last night with Pete, and my niece Stephanie along with her husband James and little sweetie, Kayley. I was a great night of good food and excellent company. You know it's crazy, I was 14 when Stephanie was born, and I have always been crazy about her, even though she has always lived away from us, but last night I realized what a fun, smart and interesting adult she has become. We visited and enjoyed there company very much, I missed my own girls, but realize they are busy beavers and have things they need to do, they both called with well-wishes. While the weather was cold and damp, not at all like the beautiful wedding day I had, the day was a good day and I look for ward to many more.
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