Laura and Danny racing Mario kart on Wii, Grandma Helen watching intently.

I don't know who is winning, but Laura looks determined.

Grandpa Long is in the next of audience members, he was thrilled by the race as you can see.

Jayce was all too happy to open Mom's gift, along with his own, but it was only shoes.

Something fun for Jordy from Memaw and Papaw.

Jordy just having a seat that's handy, the boring shoe gift is on the floor.

Time for dinner, thanks to Memaw, B-B-Q brisket sandwiches, juicy and good, macaroni salad, fresh fruit, creamy cheese and hamburger queso dip with chips and a yummy peanut butter cake with 27 candles for the birthday girl.

Jayce always love to help with the candles and blowing them out.

Jordy wanted to help but kept putting the candles in upside down.

One, two, three, blow em out before the fire and rescue spot the smoke and flames!!!

Laura and Jayce make a great candle-blower-outer team, they seem to agree.

A family group, but both boys were snotty-nosed and it's hard to get them all to smile at the same time.

Laura and Jordan, he was being a clingy daddy's boy today, he didn't feel so good.

That family that Wii's together ?? Jared and Jayce racing against each other, Jayce was so excited he lost his britches.

Jayce OQuinn concentrating on Mario not Memaw, but made plans to play with us again some day.
Laura will be celebrating her birthday on March 2, which is Monday, but we all got together on Sunday to do a family celebration. Krysta and Brian couldn't come because Brian was sick with a fever and Pete had to work from 8-4, so Danny, me, Grandma Helen and Grandpa Long came to visit with food and fun, (Wii). We ate , visited, played Mario kart on Wii, went upstairs and played some more and sadly left about 7pm for home, we had to get the old folks home before they turned into pumpkins. We all had a fun time and a visit with my cool little guys didn't hurt either. I will be sorting pictures and posting a blog about my oldest daughter's years of happiness they have brought to us. Be prepared for sappiness, cause that's just the way it goes, I love all my children and very proud of what they have accomplished so far. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Love to you all!
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