Jordy, so serious.

Dutchess, her royal doggieness.

Our Jordy
Since Papaw hadn't seen his boys in a couple of weeks, we had to head to Camdenton yesterday afternoon and while I was very tired and snotty-nosed from yet another head cold, I wanted to go too! We didn't get to see Jared as he was scouting a basketball game at Rogersville, but I think we were a source of entertainment for Laura and the boys on a slushy Saturday afternoon. When we got to their house, of course we had to head upstairs to the playroom for basketball and what ever else we could fit in before supper. Of course basketball with Jordy, coloring and stickers with Jayce, meeting the new family dog, Dutchess, who is so cute and very well mannered. She is so sweet, she can fetch and sit,and seems very devoted to Laura, as she met us at the door with a bark and warning, stranger danger. After playing for a while, we decided to go for a ride in Papaw's new big truck and decided to eat BBQ at Osage Beach. It was very busy there, I guess everyone had cabin fever and wanted out. I think all of us had ribs except Laura and Jordy who had a baked potato with bbq and a grilled cheese, respectively. We decided to stop by Wal-Mart and while we were their we checked out the pet aisle and Laura and Pete had a hard time deciding between the microwave bake pet cake or the cheez whiz in a can for doggie biscuits. Jayce also found a very large bone, that I think was almost as big as he was. We didn't get the bone, but we did get the snake for Dutchess to play with. We also picked up a new toy for the playroom, a couple of the $1.00 boxes of movie candy, I think Gobstoppers and Good and Plenty and Jordan picked out a nice fresh fruit cup, purple pears, in produce he wanted, food is very important to Jordy. After finding the guys, Pete and Papaw, who abandon us for the electronic department, we loaded up and headed back home. We all had a fun time and Memaw was worn out, but we always enjoy our time with our little guys. Love to you all!
I forgot to tell you, but as you were pullling away and Jayce was waving he said "I really miss those guys." I thought that was so funny.