While I was digging through old photos to start this blogspot, I decided in the spirit of the season, to add a few Christmas memories of the past, when our babies were still looking forward to Santa's visit and our house was busy with the sounds of children. The first picture was of Laura and she was about 3 years old and this was our first Christmas in our home, Her and Krysta both got Glo-Babys, when you squeezed their tummy, the head glowed for a comforting night light. Notice the ornament to her right, I still hang this one on the tree each year. Laura had just gotten a bath and into a warm flannel gown(bought at a yardsale) ready for bed. The next picture is of Krysta, she is about 4 or 5, I'm sure she wasn't in school yet, as she was 6 starting school with her July birthday. She always had to get a baby doll for Christmas, she loved dolls, looks like she was getting skates and a toy vacum, both the girls got skates that year and rolled around on the kitchen floor all winter. The next picture is of Pete, what a skinny little guy he was. Looks like he was just starting to open the gifts that Santa had left, I think this was his Kindergarten year maybe, I think he got a Gameboy, he looks pretty excited to get going. Hope you enjoy these oldies, but goodies, I have learned how to scan so I will try to put more on as I go along, just for fun. Let's look forward to a new year together. Love you all!!
Hi! Welcome to blogging! I love it! Can't wait to see what fun stuff you will be updating!