Kayley with Grandma, sorting Easter eggs for prizes

Both the old men, Danny in the floor, looking for eggs and Steve getting ready to shoot off a popper that Kayley did not like.

Pete just taking in the fun of an indoor Easter egg hunt with a 2 and 3 year old.

Stephanie and Kayley checking out the prizes in the Easter eggs.

Jared giving Jordan just a little help, Jordan was just excited to get a piece of candy.

Two little angels, Kayley and Jordan, Grandma Long would have been so happy to have hugged on them.

What a crew, Stephanie, the oldest grandchild, holding Kayley, Matt Spangler, husband of Tiffany, Tiffany is number 5 in the line-up, Heather, the baby of the grandkids, Pete, number 6 in the line-up holding Jordan, the baby of the great-grandkids. We were missing,James, Steph's husband, Laura, number 2, Jared who was there but I hated to torture, Steven, number 3 with girlfriend Jenna, Krysta, number 4, with husband Brian who had made plans with his family and of course Jayce, great-grandchild number 1 who was in California with his mom.

Steph, Matt, Tiff, Heather, Pete, note that the girls wedding photos were in the back, so officially they were there.

Oh no, was the circus in town, if so they had better check the freak show for missing freaks!!!!

OK, no circus in town, well check the county insane asylum for a few escapees, I think we have found them.

Faces only our poor dearly departed mother could have loved.

Nope, none of these folks are from Ethiopia or any other country that needs a food shipment dropped. So, please no donations for supplements or chicken wings.

Look at the guy on the end, he works in Washington DC, we pay him good money from our paychecks, he has some control over our country ??????? Also, the chik-a-dee on the far left, she cooks food for our poor little school children, need I say more? The excuse for the middle one, she was on high dosages of narcotics and had to have an indoor easter egg hunt.
On Easter Sunday, we had a nice dinner at our house and were lucky enough to get most everyone here. Steve and Rhonda had made plans for a family mini vacation at Branson for their family including Steph and Kayley and Steven and Jenna. We were able to have a wonderful afternoon of visiting and eating, all thanks to my wonderful husband who prepared the brisket, salads and desert with just a little armchair advice from me. I am so thankful we had the chance to be together and take photos, the little ones, Kayley and Jordan got to have an Easter egg hunt and a tea party. It was good to see everyone and we sure missed those who couldn't attend, Laura, Jayce, Krysta, Brian, James. Sorry this is so long in getting posted, but I am feeling better and hope to do more. Thanks for all the love, prayers and support during my recovery time. Love to you all.