Everyone was prepared for the worst, a not so distant memory of downed power poles and lines, no electricity for 2 weeks and dark despair not ever having lights again. But, so far the ice and sharp as shrapnel sleet has decorated our highways and walkways locally. Danny and I traveled to Springfield yesterday, because I had to re certify my CPR and we figured we could beat the storm home. Well, at 3pm, I excited St. John's and within 30 minutes or less the roads turned to ice with a wet rainy glaze over everything. It took us over 2 hours home, with speeds averaging about 10-15 mph. Semi-trucks, car and vans sliding into ditches and guard cables in front us blocking travel, thankfully no one hurt. It was so good to pull onto our little gravel road and see the lights from home. This afternoon I went out to take a few pictures with my new camera and really enjoyed the crunch under foot and the sharp bit of the wind, we tossed food to the birds and I chopped an apple for a treat for them. Boo kitty followed me around and then returned to the warm garage where Danny had started a fire in the wood stove to thaw out iced vehicles from overnight, (too many cars or too small of a garage). I hope everyone stays safe, thankfully Danny or I haven't been called into work, yet. Enjoy a hot cup of coffee, tea or chocolate on me and keep your feet warm. Love to you all.